You can all prophesy one by one… —1 Cor. 12:31

2020 ITEROF Message Eight

The Christian Life, the Church Life, the Consummation of the Age, and the Coming of the Lord

Message Eight

Having Dispensational Value to God in the Last Days to Turn the Age



Reading the verses in each day.

Reading the main points in the outlines.

Pray-reading the verses:

Rev. 12:5 And she brought forth a son, a man-child, who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.

10-11 …for the accuser of our brothers has been cast down, who accuses them before our God day and night. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they loved not their soul-life even unto death.

Word of Appetizer

The rapture of the man-child to heaven, the casting of Satan to earth, and the declaration in heaven that the kingdom has come signify that God’s gaining of the man-child is His greatest dispensational move, how can we be the man-child?

If you would be part of the man-child, you must eat more, grow more, and become stronger. To put it into practical terms, you must pray more, spend more time with the Lord, eat more of the Word, experience the Lord more, grow in life more, and have more dealings with the negative things. If others would gossip, you would not gossip. If others would not pray, you would pray more….Whether or not you will be in the man-child depends upon how you react to God’s desire, God’s move, and God’s eternal economy. If, day and night, you cannot go on until you have given yourself wholly and thoroughly to God’s economy, then it is likely that you are a part of the man-child.

Spiritual Burden

Because the church has not attained to God’s purpose, God will choose a group of overcomers who will attain to His purpose and fulfill His demand; this is the principle of the man-child. 

God needs the man-child to defeat His enemy and to bring in His kingdom so that His eternal purpose might be accomplished; the Lord’s recovery is the practicality of God’s economy today, and His economy can be carried out only by the man-child; those who constitute the man-child overcome the devil (the accuser, the slanderer), who is Satan, the adversary of God, because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they love not their soul-life even unto death.


The Revelation of the Truth

God’s desire is to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom; in order for God to accomplish this, He must have His dispensational instrument.

Because the church has not attained to God’s purpose, God will choose a group of overcomers who will attain to His purpose and fulfill His demand; this is the principle of the man-child.

When Israel was taken into captivity for seventy years, God still had a dispensational move because of Nehemiah, who was a true overcomer; he is a pattern of someone who has dispensational value to God.

The Experience of Life

The entire being of the man-child is saturated and permeated with the element of Christ because they are daily strengthened into their inner man so that Christ may build Himself into their hearts, they are being nourished with the unsearchable riches of Christ, and they put on Christ as the whole armor of God.

When we realize and enjoy Christ as our life, we have the church as the house of God; if we go further and realize His headship, the house will be enlarged to be the city, the kingdom of God.

Practice and Application

When Israel was taken into captivity for seventy years, God still had a dispensational move because of Nehemiah, who was a true overcomer; he is a pattern of someone who has dispensational value to God.

There’s the need for us to have the proper aggressiveness in the Lord’s recovery today; today, no matter how much we may be mocked and despised, we should have a heart to build and should be aggressive.

Living not in our natural man but in resurrection; loving God and also loving God’s interests on the earth; praying to God to contact Him in fellowship; trusting in God and even became one with God.

A man with a pure heart; not selfish, not seek his own interests, and was not indulgent in sexual lust.


Day 1

T1: He must have His dispensational instrument to bring this age to a close and bring in another (Rev. 12:5).

(Please explain that the rapture of the man-child brings an end to the church age and introduces the kingdom age.)

T2: We need to see of what value the rapture is to the Lord, not to ourselves (Rev. 12:5).

(Being an overcomer is not primarily for escaping the tribulation, but for fulfilling God’s purpose.)

Day 2

T1: In a biblical sense, woman represents weakness, man represents strength (1 Pet. 3:7; Rev. 12:5; Gen. 3:15).

(Which two parts does the universal woman of Revelation 12 have?)

T2: This man-child is not individual; he is corporate (Rev. 12:5, 2:26-27).

(Please explain according to the Scriptures that the Lord Jesus and His overcomers compose the man-child.)

Day 3

T1: The man-child is composed of the overcoming saints (Rev. 12:10-11).

(How could the man-child overcome the opposition and accusation by Satan?)

T2: Those in the Lord’s recovery have a greater possibility of being overcomers (Rev. 12:5).

(Please explain how it will be likely for us to be a part of the man-child.)

Day 4

T1: Satan has been judged on the cross of Christ, but this judgment needs to be executed (Rev. 12:7-9).

(Please explain that the overcomers take the position of the church to execute God’s sentence on Satan.)

T2: The overcomers take the position which the whole church should take and do the work for the church (Rev. 12:5).

(What is the principle of the man-child?)

Day 5

T1: The city of Jerusalem was a safeguard and protection for the house of God (Rom. 14:17).

(Please explain that the house of God needs His kingdom to be established as a realm to safeguard His interest on the earth.)

T2: Nehemiah’s aggressiveness is a virtue in his human conduct (Neh. 1:1-11).

(Please explain that in the New Testament, all the natural virtues and capacities should be brought to the cross.)

Day 6

T1: Nehemiah has the proper aggressiveness (1 Kin. 8:48; Neh. 4:4-5).

(What other characteristics was Nehemiah’s  aggressiveness accompanied by?)

T2: Nehemiah was the perfect leader, the best leader in human history (Neh. 5:14-19; 1 Pet. 5:2-3).

(Please explain that Nehemiah was a pattern of what a leader among God’s people should be.)