You can all prophesy one by one… —1 Cor. 12:31

2024 JST Message Five

Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1)

Message Five

Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the New Testament Jubilee


Reading the verses in each day.

Reading the main points in the outlines.

Pray-reading the verses:

Lev. 25:10 And you shall sanctify the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family.

Luke 4:18-19 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to announce the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to send away in release those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, the year of jubilee.”

Word of Appetizer

What are the two main blessings of the Jubilee? How is the Jubilee, which lasted a year in the Old Testament types, fulfilled in the New Testament?

The Jubilee has two main blessings, namely, the return of everyone to their lost possessions and release from bondage. Returning to one’s own possessions and being set free to return to one’s family signify in the New Testament Jubilee that believers have returned to God, which is their lost holy inheritance, and have been released from all bondage, returning to the church, which is their holy home. In the Old Testament types, the Jubilee lasted a year, but its fulfillment refers to the entire New Testament age, the age of grace, which is the time when God accepts the return of the prisoners.

The Jubilee is the age in which Christ, as grace, is dispensed to us through His word, for us to enjoy; the New Testament Jubilee is the age of our salvation.

Spiritual Burden

To enjoy the reality of Christ as the Jubilee, we need to spend time daily in the presence of the Lord, listening to His word and being filled by Him; we need to follow the example of Mary, sitting at the Lord’s feet listening to His words.

Because everything is under His control, we should pray, “Lord, fill me, get me, possess me; no matter what the situation is outside, I want to enjoy you;” We need to be the deacons and witnesses of today, living out and proclaiming the gospel – Christ is the Jubilee of grace – to fulfill God’s eternal economy.

Concluding Word of the Prophesying Meeting

The Revelation of the Truth

The Jubilee in Leviticus 25:8-17, as prophecy, is recorded in Isaiah 61:1-3, and is practically fulfilled in Luke 4:16-22.

The Jubilee is the age in which Christ, as grace, is dispensed to us through His word, for us to enjoy; the New Testament Jubilee is the age of our salvation.

The proclamation of the Jubilee in Luke 4 controls the central theme of the entire Gospel of Luke, and the parable of the Good Samaritan in chapter 10 and the parable of the prodigal son in chapter 15 are excellent examples of the Jubilee.

The Experience of Life

We must accept the Lord Jesus as the true Jubilee within us; when we have Him, we have God as our inheritance, and we can be saved from the control of sin and Satan, and have true freedom and rest. If we let Christ live in us and live by Him, everything will be according to our heart’s desire; otherwise, everything will be difficult, and nothing will be Jubilee.

Only when this all-encompassing Christ is gained for us, and we enjoy Him, can we truly have everything according to our heart’s desire; it’s not the external things, but the internal Christ, that can make us face all kinds of circumstances with peace and security.

Practice and Application

To enjoy the reality of Christ as the Jubilee, we need to spend time daily in the presence of the Lord, listening to His word and being filled by Him; we need to follow the example of Mary, sitting at the Lord’s feet listening to His words.

Only when we enjoy Christ as the life-giving Spirit can we be released and have true freedom; if we do not enjoy the Lord enough, we will still be bound in many things; It’s no use to make resolutions, we must continually come to the Lord, eat Him and enjoy Him.


Day 1

T1 The believer’s enjoyment of the Jubilee in the age of grace (Lev. 25:10, 13)

(Please illustrate that how the blessings of the Jubilee relate to our experience of Christ.)

T2 The main blessings of the Jubilee (Luke 4:18, 2 Cor. 6:2)

(Please illustrate that what the two main blessings of the Jubilee are.)

Day 2

T1 We should be crazy before God, but restrained before men (Mark 3:21, 2 Cor. 5:13)

(What is the correct meaning of “If you are a Christian and you have not reached the point of being crazy, you are not qualified?”)

T2  Christ has come, and now is the age of Jubilee (Phil. 4:11-13)

(Please illustrate with experiences that if I don’t allow Christ to come into you, then there is no Jubilee within you. )

Day 3

T1 The Jubilee is the year of God’s acceptance of man, it is the time when God accepts man (Luke 15:20, 23)

(Please illustrate that why the father in Luke 15 does not want to hear his son’s request to be a hired servant.)

T2 There is no plowing, no reaping, no labor in the land during the Jubilee (Luke 15:17-20)

(Please illustrate that how we see a clear picture of the New Testament Jubilee from the parable of the prodigal son. )

Day 4

T1 Enjoy the reality of Christ as the Jubilee (Part 1) (Luke 10:39, Isa. 30:15)

(Please illustrate that the first and second aspects of Mary’s example in Luke 10:35.)

T2 Enjoy the reality of Christ as the Jubilee (Part 2) (Luke 10:39, Isa. 30:15)

(Please illustrate the third and fourth aspects of Mary’s example in Luke 10:35. )

Day 5

T1 There is a factor of sin within man, which is Satan (Rom. 7:24, 8:2)

(Please illustrate that why everyone in their heart really does not want to sin, but in the end everyone sins and becomes a slave to sin.)

T2 Only those who enjoy God can not sin, only those who enjoy God have true freedom (Rom. 7:24, 8:2)

(Please illustrate that as soon as we enjoy Him, we gain freedom; but if we don’t enjoy God enough, we will still be bound in many things.)

Day 6

T1 The Jubilee life is that in any circumstance, we only enjoy God Himself (Acts 26:18, Col. 1:18)

(Please illustrate that what we mean by “We must allow God to be our main cause within us.”)

T2 With the Lord as the center, we will enjoy Him as our Jubilee life (Acts 26:18, Col. 1:18)

(Please illustrate with experiences that if our heart is set on anything other than the Lord, whether good or bad, it is bitter.)