Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1) Message Nine The Rainbow—the Consummation of the Experience of the Christian Life and the Church Life Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting Reading the verses in each day. Reading the main points in the outlines. Pray-reading the verses: I set My bow in the clouds, and […]
Monthly Archives: January 2017
Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1) Message Eight The Man on the Throne Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting Reading the verses in each day. Reading the main points in the outlines. Pray-reading the verses: And above the expanse that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, like the […]
Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1) Message Seven The Highest Point in Our Spiritual Experience— Having a Clear Sky with a Throne above It Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting Reading the verses in each day. Reading the main points in the outlines. Pray-reading the verses: And over the heads of the […]
Crystallization-Study of Exodus (4) Message Six The High and Awesome Wheels Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting Reading the verses in each day. Reading the main points in the outlines. Pray-reading the verses: And as I watched the living creatures, I saw a wheel upon the earth beside the living […]
Crystallization-Study of Exodus (4) Message Five The Wings of an Eagle, the Hands of a Man, and the Feet of a Calf Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting Reading the verses in each day. Reading the main points in the outlines. Pray-reading the verses: …four living creatures…They had the likeness […]
Crystallization-Study of Exodus (4) Message Four The Coordination of the Four Living Creatures Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting Reading the verses in each day. Reading the main points in the outlines. Pray-reading the verses: Their wings were joined one to another; they did not turn as they went; each […]
Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1) Message Three The Four Living Creatures Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting Reading the verses in each day. Reading the main points in the outlines. Pray-reading the verses: And from the midst of it there came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their […]
Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1) Message Two The Spiritual History of a Normal Christian— the Wind, the Cloud, the Fire, and the Electrum Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting Reading the verses in each day. Reading the main points in the outlines. Pray-reading the verses: And I looked, and there came […]
Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1) Message One Visions of God and the Unveiling of God’s Purpose and the Desire of His Heart Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting Reading the verses in each day. Reading the main points in the outlines. Pray-reading the verses: …while I was among the captives by […]
以西结书结晶读经(一) 第十二篇 生命内在的恢复,为着完成神的经纶 申言聚会开头参考 宣读本周各天经节。 宣读本周纲要大点。 祷读经节: 我也要赐给你们新心,将新灵放在你们里面;又从你们的肉体中除掉石心,赐给你们肉心。我必将我的灵放在你们里面,使你们遵行我的律例,谨守遵行我的典章—结三六26~27。 主耶和华如此说,我要加增以色列家的人数,多如羊群;他们必为这事向我求问,我要给他们成就。……荒凉的城邑必被人群充满;他们就知道我是耶和华—37~38。 创造渴慕 神要恢复我们,使我们成为新人,如何将生机的拯救应用在我们身上? 当我们在堕落退后的情形里,我们的心向主是刚硬的,我们的灵是死的。当主拯救我们或复兴我们时,祂更新我们的心,使我们的石心变为肉心,就是柔软并爱祂的心。不仅如此,祂用祂神圣的生命点活并更新我们的灵,就能接触祂、接受祂并盛装祂。 属灵负担 神为了祂子民内在的恢复,就将生机的拯救应用在他们身上,赐给他们新心和新灵,使他们能成为神,成为一个新造,就是新耶路撒冷;我们的心要维持新鲜,我们就必须一直将心转向主并追求清洁,全心爱祂;要维持我们的灵新鲜,我们必须不断地运用我们的灵接触主,使我们在灵里且照着灵行事、生活并为人。 申言聚会结语参考 真理启示 “人子啊,你要面向西珥山,说预言攻击它”。 神为了祂子民内在的恢复,乃是为祂的圣名行事: 将法理的救赎应用在他们身上,用基督的宝血洁净他们。 将生机的拯救应用在他们身上,赐给他们新心和新灵,使他们能成为神,成为一个新造,就是新耶路撒冷。 “我必将我的灵放在你们里面,使你们遵行我的律例,谨守遵行我的典章” 生命内在的恢复,结果乃是先前为荒废、凄凉之地,将要成如伊甸园。 主在祂借着生命的恢复里,渴望加增我们的“人数,多如羊群”。 生命经历 主洗净我们,使我们脱离一切的污秽,包括各种罪恶的事、不公的事、不义的事和黑暗的事。 当主拯救我们或复兴我们时,祂更新我们的心,使我们的石心变为肉心,就是柔软并爱祂的心;祂用祂神圣的生命点活并更新我们的灵。 实行应用 我们的心要维持新鲜,我们就必须一直将心转向主并追求清洁,全心爱祂。 要维持我们的灵新鲜,我们必须不断地运用我们的灵接触主;我们必须呼求主的名、祷读主的话、常常喜乐,不住地祷告,凡事谢恩;将我们的灵如火挑旺起来,不销灭那灵;操练申言,而不藐视申言。 我们需要祷告,求主给我们加增人数,求祂把人如同羊群带来。 以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要 重要经节(一) 结三五2 人子啊,你要面向西珥山,说预言攻击它 三六21 我却顾惜我的圣名,就是以色列家在所到的列国中所亵渎的。 25 我必用清水洒在你们身上,你们就洁净了;我要洁净你们,使你们脱离一切的污秽,脱离一切的偶像。 审判我们的旧人; 内在的恢复—为祂的圣名行事;将法理的救赎应用在他们身上 壹 人子啊,你要面向西珥山,说预言攻击它 : •这里重复对以东的审判,指明在神借生命恢复的过程中,仍需要神的审判,特别是对预表旧人的以东。 贰 神为了祂子民内在的恢复,乃是为祂的圣名行事 •我们得恢复、得复兴,不是因着自己有什么长处,乃是因着神为祂自己的名,在我们里面作事。 叁 神为了祂子民内在的恢复,就将法理的救赎应用在他们身上,用基督的宝血洁净他们: […]