You can all prophesy one by one… —1 Cor. 12:31

Prophesying Topics for Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Prophesying Topics—Twelve Topics per Week

Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Message One    

The Ark of the Testimony

D1T1   The Ark is the center of the tabernacle (Col. 2:9)

(Please narrate that as the center of the tabernacle, the Ark typifies Christ as the embodiment of God.)

T2    The ark was called the ark of the testimony (Exo. 25:22)

(Why was the Ark called “the ark of the testimony”? Why was the tabernacle called “the tabernacle of the testimony”?)

D2T1   Acacia wood signifies Christ’s humanity, strong in character and high in standard.

(Exo. 25:10)

(According to the following verses in Matthew, please explain Christ’s humanity, strong in character and high in standard signified by acacia wood)

(Matt. 4:4; 8:20; 9:12-13; 11:29; 12:19-20; 17:27; 20:28; 27:12, 14)

T2   The acacia wood is overlaid with gold both inside and outside (Exo. 25:11; 2 Pet.1:4)

(Please narrate that the acacia wood overlaid with gold signifies the mingling of divinity with humanity of Christ.)

D3T1   The application of the four rings of gold and the two poles (Exo. 25:12-14; 1 Thes. 2:9)

(How to apply the four rings of gold and the two poles in the church life?)

T2   Using the proper means to carry the Lord’s testimony (Acts 1:8, 2 Cor.4:10-12)

(How should we use the proper means to carry the Lord’s testimony?)

D4T1   The different points between the hidden manna and the open manna (Rev. 2:17; Exo. 16:31)

(Please explain the different points between the hidden manna and the open manna.)

T2    How to experience and enjoy the hidden manna (Rev. 2:17)

(Please narrate how you experience and enjoy the hidden manna.)

D5T1   Resurrection is an eternal principle in our service to God (2 Cor. 1:9)

(Please explain that resurrection is an eternal principle in our service to God.)

T2   The experience of the budding rod of Aaron (2 Cor. 4:7)

(Please narrate your experience of the budding rod of Aaron)

D6T1   The law of life can carry out God’s economy in us (Heb. 8:10)

(Please narrate that the law, this divine capacity, of life can do everything in us for the carrying out of God’s economy.)

T2   The subjective experience of the law of life (Rom. 8:2)

(Please narrate your subjective experience of the law of inner life.)


Prophesying Topics—Twelve Topics per Week

Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Message Two    

The Expiation Cover—the Propitiation Place

D1T1   The function of the expiation cover (Exo. 25:21; Rom. 3:25, footnote 2; Outline I)

(Please describe the function of the expiation cover according to Rom. 3:25.)

T2    The place of propitiation equals God’s throne of grace (Heb. 4:16; Psa. 80:1; Outline II)

(Please narrate that the expiation cover, the place of propitiation equals God’s throne of grace)

D2T1   Christ is the One who propitiates (Heb. 2:16; 1 John 2:2; Heb. 9:5)

(Please explain Christ is the One who propitiates, He is the propitiatory sacrifice, and He is the propitiatory cover.)

T2    The differences between the blood sprinkled on the altar and the blood sprinkled on the expatiation cover (Exo. 29:11-12, Lev. 16:14-15)

(Please explain the differences between the blood sprinkled on the altar and the blood sprinkled on the expatiation cover)

D3T1   The type of the cherubim (Heb. 9:5)

(What do the cherubim signify?)

T2   The throne of grace is in our spirit (Heb. 4:16; Phil. 4:23)

(Please explain according to our experience that the expiation cover, the place of propitiation is the throne of grace, which is now in our spirit.)

D4T1   God met with His people and spoke to them (Exo. 25:22)

(What does that God met with His people and spoke to them from above the expiation cover and between the cherubim signify?)

T2    Experience meeting with God and speaking to God (cf. 2 Cor. 3:18)

(Please narrate your experience of meeting with God and speaking to God in your daily life.)

D5T1   The form, size, or weight of the cherubim (Exo. 25:22; cf. 3:24)

(The form, size, and weight of the cherubim are not given in Exo. 25. What does this indicate?)

T2   The experience of the expatiation cover with cherubim (Exo. 25:22)

(Please narrate you experience of the expatiation cover with cherubim.)

D6T1   The types of the blood sprinkled on the expatiation cover and cherubim (Lev. 16:14-15; Exo. 25:20)

(Please explain what the blood sprinkled on the expatiation cover and cherubim each signify)

T2   To be a Christian who receives God’s infusion is to be a Christian in the most wonderful sense of all (Phil. 1:19-21a; 2 Cor. 3:18)

(How can we experience “to be a Christian who receives God’s infusion in the Holy of Holies and walks according to it is to be a Christian in the most wonderful sense of all”?)


Prophesying Topics—Twelve Topics per Week

Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Message Three    

The Table of the Bread of the Presence

D1T1   The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the eating (John 6:51; Matt. 16:18)

(Please present that the Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the eating of Jesus for the building up of the church.)

T2    The experience of eating Christ as spiritual food (Jer. 15:16)

(Please narrate your experience of eating Christ and enjoying Him as spiritual food.)

D2T1   The type of the table of the bread of the Presence (Exo. 25:23-30; Psa. 23:5; Outline II)

(Please explain the type of the table of the bread of the Presence.)

T2    Experiencing the Ark and the table of the bread of the Presence (John 1:18; 6:57)

(In the view of our experience, what is the relationship between the Ark and the table of the bread of the Presence?)

D3T1   Our enjoyment of Christ must match the standard of God’s testimony (Exo.25:10, 23)

(The height of both the Ark and the table is the same—one and a half cubits; this reveals that our enjoyment of Christ must match the standard of God’s testimony. How can we apply and experience this in the church life? )

T2    The Ark becomes the table of the bread of the Presence (John 1:14)

(Please try to narrate that the Ark becomes the table of the bread of the Presence in our experience of Christ.)

D4T1   The table of the bread of the Presence was set up in the Holy Place within the tabernacle (Exo.40:22)

(Please explain the spiritual significance of the table of the bread of the Presence set up in the Holy Place within the tabernacle.)

T2    Enjoying Christ as the table to nourish us (John 6:35)

(In the church life, how can you experience and enjoy Christ as the table to nourish you?)

D5T1   The significance of the table of the bread of the Presence overlaid with gold (Exo. 25:34)

(What is the significance of the table of the bread of the Presence overlaid with gold?)

T2    Experiencing the significance of being from the altar to the table of the bread of the Presence (Col. 1:20; Titus 3:5; John 6:35)

(With regard to our experience, please explain the spiritual significance of being from the altar to the table of the bread of the Presence through the laver)

D6T1   The bread of the Presence is also called the face-bread (Exo. 25:30; Num. 6:25)

(The bread of the Presence is also called the face-bread, what is its significance?)

T2    Then experience of displaying Christ as the bread of the Presence (Exo. 25:30)

(How can we display Christ as the bread of the Presence to all of God’s worshippers?)


Prophesying Topics—Twelve Topics per Week

Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Message Four    

The Intrinsic Significance, Subjective Experience, and Organic Maintenance of the Golden Lampstand for a New Revival

D1T1   The intrinsic significance of the golden lampstand (Exo. 25:31; Col. 1:15; Rev. 4:5; Outlines I, II)

(Please explain the intrinsic significance that the golden lampstand signifies.)

T2    Experiencing the detailed aspects of the golden lampstand (2 Pet. 1:4; Gal. 4:19; 2 Cor. 3:18; Prov. 20:27)

(How can we experience the detailed aspects of the golden lampstand?)

D2T1   The church is the reproduction of Christ (Exo.25:31)

(Please explain that the lampstand in Exodus 25:31 signifies the church as the reproduction of Christ.)

T2   The church is the reprint of the Spirit (Zech.4:2)

(Please explain the lampstand in Zechariah 4:2 signifies the church as the reprint of the Spirit.)

D3T1   Four aspects of the lampstand (Exo. 25:39; Zech.4:2; Rev. 1:11-12)

(Please explain the four aspects of the lampstand according to Exo. 25, Zech. 3, 4, and Revelation.)

T2   Experiencing the four aspects of the lampstand (Exo. 25:39; Rev. 21:23; Col. 1:24)

(How can we experience the four aspects of the lampstand—the element, the form, the expression, and the reproduction?)

D4T1   The lampstand is a growing tree (Exo. 25:31-36)

(Please describe the lampstand as a growing tree.)

T2    We are a part of this wonderful tree (2 Pet. 1:4; 1 John 5:13)

(As those who believe in Christ, how can we assure that we are a part of this wonderful tree?)

D5T1   The purpose of tongs and firepans (Exo. 25:38-39)

(Please explain the purpose of the pure gold tongs and firepans on the lampstand and their types)

T2    Experiencing the observing, shining, trimming, and cleansing of the two spirits. (John 4:24; Prov. 20:27)

(How can you experience God’s Spirit and our human spirit observing, shining, trimming, and cleansing within you?)

D6T1   Christ takes care of the churches in His humanity (Rev. 1:13a; Outline IV. B)

(Please describe how Christ takes care of the churches in His humanity.)

T2   Christ takes care of the churches in His divinity (Rev. 1:13b, Outline IV. C)

(Please narrate your subjective experience of the law of life.)

(Please describe how Christ takes care of the churches in His divinity.)



Prophesying Topics—Twelve Topics per week

Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Message Five   

The Golden Incense Altar

D1T1   The significance of the golden incense altar (Heb. 7:25; Rom. 8:34)

(What does the golden incense altar signify?)

T2   The experience of how the prayer life motivates you (Rom. 8:26)

(Please narrate how the prayer life motivates you to experience the altar of burnt offering, the laver, the table, the lampstand, and the Ark.)

D2T1   The golden incense altar is the center of God’s administration in the universe (Rev. 8:3)

(According to Revelation 8, please describe how the golden incense altar is the center of God’s administration in the universe.)

T2   Experiencing the proper prayer life (Rom. 8:26-27; 1 Tim. 2:1)

(The proper prayer life is a life of praying for others, of interceding for them. How can you experience it?)

D3T1   Cooperating with Christ in His ministry of intercession. (Rom. 8:26-27; 1 Tim. 2:1)

(How can we cooperate with Christ in His ministry of intercession?)

T2   The kind of prayer we have depends on the kind of person we are (Luke 9:54-55; Eph. 6:18)

(The kind of prayer we have depends on the kind of person we are. How does this narration encourage you to advance in your experience of the golden incense altar? )

D4T1   Interceding with Christ at the incense altar (John 1:14; 53- 56; Rev. 3-4)

(If we would intercede with Christ at the incense altar, what are the three crucial matters that we need to see?)

T2    The experience of praying in the tabernacle (Exo. 30:6-7)

(Please narrate your experience that you pray in God and God pray in you simultaneously.)

D5T1   The significance of “strange fire” and “strange incense” (Lev. 10:1; Exo. 30: 9a)

(What is the “strange fire”? what is the “strange incense?)

T2    To pray without offering the strange incense by the strange fire (Lev. 10:1, Exo. 30: 8-9a)

(How can we pray without offering the strange incense by the strange fire?)

D6T1   The spiritual significance of being burnt to ashes (Lev. 6:13; 1 Cor. 1:28b; Outline II. E)

(Please explain the spiritual significance—if we would pray in the tabernacle at the incense altar, we need to be burned to ashes, reduced to nothing.)

T2    The differences between the prayer at the altar of burnt offering and the prayer at the golden incense altar

(What are the differences between the prayer at the altar of burnt offering in the outer court and the prayer at the golden incense altar in the tablenacle?)


Prophesying Topics—Twelve Topics per Week

Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Message Six    

The Altar of Burnt Offering

D1T1   The two altars are for the carrying out of God’s economy (Exo. 27:1-8; 30: 1-10; Outline I)

(Please try to narrate that the two altars—the altar of burnt offering and the golden incense altar—are for the carrying out of God’s economy.)

T2   The two altars are related to God’s complete salvation (Rom. 5:10; Outline I, B)

(Please use the book of Romans to explain that the two altars are related to God’s complete salvation.)

D2T1   The cross is the center of God’s operation in His economy (Exo. 40:29; Heb. 13:10, Outline II)

(How does the altar of burnt offering signify the cross of Christ as the center of God’s operation in His economy?)

T2   All spiritual experience begins from the cross (1 Cor. 2:2)

(Please narrate that all your spiritual experiences begin from the cross.)

D3T1   The spiritual significance of the altar of burnt offering overlaid with bronze (Exo. 27:1-2)

(Please explain the spiritual significances of the Ark overlaid with gold and the altar of burnt offering overlaid with bronze.)

T2    (What should be our knowledge and attitude concerning that in His economy God gives us one person—Christ—and one way—the cross?)

D4T1   The significance that the bronze grating signifies (Exo.27:4 and footnote 1; Psa. 22:14)

(Please narrate how the bronze grating depicts the mystery of Christ’s redemption.)

T2   The saving element is not in the cross as a thing but in a person, in the One who was crucified for us (Gal. 2:20)

(Please narrate your knowledge and experience of this word: “The saving element is not in the cross as a thing but in a person, in the One who was crucified for us”)

D5T1   The efficacy of Christ’s redemption depends upon the eternal Spirit (Heb. 9:12, 14)

(As what the four rings of bronze at the four ends of the grating typify, please explain that the efficacy of Christ’s redemption depends upon the eternal Spirit)

T2   Using the Spirit to make Christ’s redemption efficacious (Heb. 9:14)

(How should we exercise to make Christ’s redemption effective as we preach the gospel?)

D6T1   The contents of the altar of burnt offering reveal the entire New Testament (John 1:29; Acts 1:8; 1 Cor. 12:12-13; 2 Cor. 4:5, 7; Outline VII)

(How do the contents of the altar of burnt offering—the grating, rings, poles reveal the entire New Testament—redeeming Christ, the Spirit, and the church?)

T2    Applying the principle of “its poles shall be put into the rings” (Exo. 27:6-7)

(How can we apply the principle of “its poles shall be put into the rings” that we may have a proper experience as we preach the redeeming Christ?)




Prophesying Topics—Twelve Topics per Week

Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Message Seven    

The Laver of Bronze

D1T1   The significance of the laver of bronze (Titus 3:5)

(Please refer to the Outline I)

T2    At the laver we have the bronze, the mirror, and the water. Please illustrate its significance through your experience. (Exo. 38:8; Eph. 5:26)


D2T1   The laver was for the operation of the tabernacle. (Exo. 30:18-19)

(Please refer to the Outline I, H)

T2    The reason that we still need the washing of the laver after the problem of sin is dealt with at the altar. (1 John 1:7; John 13:5)


D3T1   The reason that the believers may be dirtied since they have the divine life. (1 John 2:15-17)

T2   The priests were required to wash in the laver before serving (Exo. 30:19-21; Titus 3:5)

(Please narrate that we need to be washed and renewed daily by the Holy Spirit in the divine element)


D4T1   The spiritual significance of the Lord’s washing of the disciples’ feet (John 13:14, 34)

(Please refer to the Outline II, B)

T2    The Lord Jesus washed the disciples’ feet with water. Water here signifies the Holy Spirit, the Word, and the life. (Titus 3:5; Eph. 5:26; John 19:34)

(Please explain that we need to allow the Spirit, the living Word, and the inner life to wash us from defilement)


D5T1   The significance of the believers’ washing of one another’s feet (John 13:14-15, 34)

T2   Please illustrate that this washing is organic and also metabolic. (Titus 3:5)


D6T1   How does the Lord separate and sanctify the church? (Eph. 5:26-27)

(Please refer to the Outline II, IV )

T2   We need to experience that both the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit are working in us continually throughout our life until the completion of the new creation.) (Titus 3:5) (Please refer to the Outlines II, III )


Prophesying Topics—Twelve Topics per week

Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Message Eight    

The Expiation Silver for the Formation of an Army to Fight for God’s Interests and Move on Earth

D1T1   There was a triangular situation in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:9, 16-17)

T2    Spiritual warfare is necessary (Eph. 6:11~12)

(Please refer to the Outline I)


D2T1   The spiritual significance of the fact that only males over the age of twenty are qualified to be formed into an army (Heb. 5:14; 6:1)

(Please refer to the Outline II, B)

T2    God’s people need to pray for the formation of the army of the Lord (Exo.30:12 and footnote 1)

(Please explain that the intercession at the incense altar is for God’s move) (Please refer to the Outline II, A)


D3T1   According to the case of Jacob in Genesis, please sketch the need for our transformation and maturity in the divine life. (Heb. 6:1)

T2   We desperately need maturity. (Phil. 3:15 and footnote 1)

(Concerning the burden of maturity stated in this message, how does it influence and stimulate your to go forward with the Lord with your whole life?)


D4T1   The expiation silver was a heave offering, signifying the ascended Christ. (Eph. 1:20-22)

Please explain the spiritual significance of the expiation silver as a heave offering (Please refer to the Outline II, C)

T2    In the church meeting, how should we apply the Christ in ascension? (Eph. 2:6)


D5T1   It is the prayer at the incense altar that leads to the formation of the army. (1 Tim. 2:1)

(What kind of prayer is the prayer at the incense altar?) (Please refer to the last paragraphs in day 2 and day 3)

T2   The important differences between the passover lamb and the expiation silver. (Exo.12:4; 30:13-15)


D6T1   The usage of the half-shekel payment. (Exo. 38:25-28; 30:11-13)

(Please refer to the Outlines III. C. 2, 3)

T2   How to experience the spiritual warfare properly? (Eph. 6:10-12)

(Please refer to the Outline III. C. 3)


Prophesying Topics—Twelve Topics per Week

Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Message Nine    

The Holy Anointing Oil

D1T1   The holy anointing oil is a compound ointment of olive oil and four spices (Exo. 30:22-25; 1 Cor. 15:45)

(Please explain the significance of the ingredients of the holy anointing oil.) (Please refer to the Outline I, A)

T2   The significance of the type of the compound ointment is greater than the creation of the universe (Exo. 30:22-25)


D2T1   The significances of the numbers of the compound ointment (Exo. 30:25, footnote 2)

(What are the significances of the numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) of the compound ointment?) (Please refer to the Outline II, B-G)

T2   In the Bible five is the number for responsibility (Exo. 25:2 and footnote 1)

(In the church life, how can we experience “five” as the number for responsibility?) (Please refer to the Outline II, E)


D3T1   The blending of the one hin of olive oil with the four spices signifies the mingling of God and man, of divinity and humanity (Lev. 2:4 and footnote 2)

(Please explain that the significance of the type of the blending of the one hin of olive oil with the four spices.)

T2    The spiritual significance of the compound ointment being all-inclusive (1 Cor. 15:45, Phil. 1:19)


D4T1   The purpose of the holy anointing oil is to anoint God’s dwelling place and the priesthood. (cf. 1 Pet. 2:5 and footnote 7)

T2    The ointment is for God’s dwelling place and for the priesthood (1 John 2:27)

(Why have so many Christians failed to experience the compound ointment?)


D5T1   The spiritual significance of “upon the flesh of man it (the holy anointing oil) shall not be poured” (Exo. 30:32-33)

(Please refer to the Outlines IV, V)

T2    In the church life, how can we experience “Upon the flesh of man it (the holy anointing oil) shall not be poured”? (Gal. 2:16b)


D6T1   When was the compounding of the Spirit completed (John 7:39)

(Please refer to the Outline VI)

T2   Experiencing that the bountiful supply of the Spirit is in the Body (Psa. 133:1-2)

(Please refer to the Outline VII)


Prophesying Topics—Twelve Topics per Week

Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Message Ten

The Compound Spirit

D1T1   Please explain all kinds of titles of the Spirit of God in the Bible, and the elements contained in each title (Gen. 1:2b)

(Please refer to the Outlines II, A-N)

T2   The element of the Spirit of God is God, divinity. (Gen. 1:2b)

(Please refer to the Outline II, A)


D2T1   Jehovah means “I am who I am” (Exo. 3:14)

(Please refer to the Outline II, B)

T2   Please narrate your experience regarding that Jehovah means “I am who I am”. (John 8:28; Rev. 1:4)


D3T1   The Holy Spirit is related to God’s incarnation. (Matt. 1:18)

(Please refer to the Outline II, C)

T2   The experience of the Holy Spirit’s sanctification in nature (Matt. 23:17, 19; 1 Pet. 1:15-16)

(Please explain that New Testament sanctification is to make us holy not merely in position but also in nature.)


D4T1   The Spirit of God was there from the very beginning, but when there is the Spirit? (John 7:39)

(Please refer to the Outlines II, IV)

T2    Experiencing that the Spirit of Jesus with humanity in Him that we may live the proper human life (Acts 16:7)

(Please refer to the Outlines II, VI)


D5T1    According to Paul’s experience, please explain that the Spirit of Jesus Christ as the Spirit has the bountiful supply (Phil. 1:19)

(Please refer to the Outline II, H)

T2    The Spirit of grace has the element of the enjoyment of the Triune God. (Heb. 10:29)

(Please refer to the Outline II, K)


D6T1   In the book of Revelation the Spirit is called the seven Spirits. Please explain its significance and purpose (Rev. 1:4; 22:7)

(Please refer to the Outline II, L)

T2     The experience of the seven Spirits as the seven lamps and as the seven eyes enlightening, burning, observing, searching, and transfusing within you (Rev. 4:5; 5:6)

(Please refer to the Outline II, L, 2)


Prophesying Topics—Twelve Topics per Week

Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Message Eleven    

The Anointing of the Compound Spirit

D1T1   The significance of the anointing (1 John 2:20)

(Please refer to the Outline I)

T2    Everything related to the Christian life is wrapped up with this anointing. (2 Cor. 3:3, 6, 8)

(Please narrate your experience concerning that the Spirit as the anointing “paints” us with the elements of the Triune God.) (Please refer to the Outlines I, B, C)


D2T1   The teaching of the anointing is mainly a matter of teaching us concerning the Divine Trinity (1 John 2:18-27)

(Please refer to the Outlines II, A-J.)

T2    Experiencing the anointing’s teaching us concerning all things (1 John 2:27)

(Please use experience to explain that this is not an outward teaching by words, but an inward teaching by the anointing through our inner spiritual consciousness.)

(Please refer to the Outline II, B.)


D3T1   In 1 John 2:20-22, we have four crucial matters: the anointing, the truth, Jesus being the Christ, and the Father and the Son (1 John 2:20-22)

(Please refer to the Outlines II, E, F)

T2    Actually the anointing is the moving and working of the truth (1 John 2:20-21)


D4T1   The Word of life is actually the Son and the Father (1 John 2:24, John 15:4)

(Please refer to the Outline II, H)

T2    Please explain that the eternal life is Jesus, Christ, the Son and the Father (1 John 2:22-25)

(Please refer to the Outlines II, I, J)


D5T1   The principle of antichrist is the principle of being against Christ and replacing Christ (1 John 2:18) (Please refer to the Outlines III, A, B)

T2   The Triune God is not merely the object of our faith, He is subjective to us (2 Cor. 13:14)

(Please explain the importance of our daily enjoying and experiencing the Triune God in order to overcome the enemy’s stratagem.)


D6T1   In our daily living, how can we apply this word to ourselves lest in any way we follow the principle of antichrist? (2 Cor.1:21)

(Please refer to the Outline III, C)

T2   We need to repent for replacing Christ with other things. In the light of this word, what kind of prayer will you offer to the Lord? (1 John 1:5, 7)

(Please refer to the Outline III, D)


Prophesying Topics—Twelve Topics per Week

Crystallization-study of Exodus (3)

Message Twelve

The Incense

D1T1   The anointing oil is Christ as God coming to us from God, and the incense is Christ going from us to God. (Exo. 30:23-25, 35)

(Please illustrate the divine traffic in two directions between God and us from the spiritual significances of the holy anointing oil and the incense.) (Please refer to the Outline I)

T2   The ointment is Christ for us; the incense is Christ for God (Exo. 30:8)

(Please use experience to explain that the ointment is for us to enjoy, and the incense is for God’s enjoyment.)


D2T1   The five ingredients of the incense: the three spices and the frankincense are seasoned with salt (Exo. 30:34-35)

(Please explain the significances of the five ingredients of the incense.) (Please refer to the Outlines II, A, B, C, D)

T2   With the ointment and incense we see the Triune God, divinity, humanity, and Christ’s death and resurrection (Exo. 30:23-25, 34-35)


D3T1   The significance of the type of the seasoning of the four ingredients of the incense with salt (Exo. 30:35-36) (Please refer to the Outlines II, D, E)

T2   How should we apply the cross of Christ to experience the killing death of Christ in our prayer (Mark 9:50) (Please refer to the Outline II, E)


D4T1   The significance of what the incense and the smoke of the incense signify (Rev. 8:3-4) (Please refer to the Outline III)

T2    How can we experience Christ as the incense with the smoke that rises in our prayers? (Rev. 8:3-4)


D5T1   The two altars—the bronze altar and the golden incense altar— are connected by the anointing, the blood, and fire (Exo. 30:26-28; Lev. 4:7; 16:12)

(Please refer to the Outline IV, A)

T2    From both the burning on the offering altar and from the burning on the incense altar a sweet savor ascended to God for His satisfaction (Lev. 1:17; 16:12-13)

(What are the differences between these two kinds of burnings?)

(Please refer to the Outline IV, B)


D6T1   God requires man to worship Him through an altar and with God requires man to worship Him through an altar and with a sacrifice. What does this reveal to us? (Exo. 20:24-26)

T2    How should we pray at the incense altar? (Lev. 10:1; Exo. 30:9a)

(Please refer to the Outline IV, C)