You can all prophesy one by one… —1 Cor. 12:31

2024 JST Message Six

Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1)

Message Six

Christ as the Word of God


Reading the verses in each day.

Reading the main points in the outlines.

Pray-reading the verses:

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

51 And He said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, You shall see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.

John 1:32 And John testified, saying, I beheld the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven, and He abode upon Him.

Word of Appetizer

John chapter 1 speaks of Christ as the bridge between eternity and time, and as the link between the two. What are the five greatest things He does in the history of the universe?

In these five events of cosmic history, the Word of God, Christ, as (1) the Creator in creation; (2) the Man, tabernacling among us in becoming flesh; (3) the Lamb in redemption; (4) the Anointing Spirit in transformation; (5) the ladder connecting the earth to heaven for God’s building – explains, elucidates, and manifests the invisible God.

Spiritual Burden

John chapter 1 crystallizes for us how the eternal Word in His creative work, also crossed the bridge of time, becoming flesh to accomplish His legal redemption; to become the Anointing, life-giving, and transforming Spirit to implement His organic salvation; and ultimately to be fully joined, harmonized and merged with His regenerated, transformed, and glorified Bride, to become the New Jerusalem, the ultimate Bethel, the mutual dwelling place of God and man.

Christ, as the Word of God, becomes the ladder for God’s building, bringing heaven (God) to earth (man) and uniting earth (man) and heaven (God) as one, thereby speaking for God.

Concluding Word of the Prophesying Meeting

The Revelation of the Truth

John chapter 1 is the introduction to the entire Gospel of John, and its main emphasis is that Christ is the Word of God – the explanation, elucidation, and manifestation of the mysterious and invisible God.

Christ, as the Word of God, speaks for God through creation.

Christ, as the Word of God, becomes flesh as God’s tabernacle, thereby speaking for God.

Christ, as the Word of God, becomes the Lamb of God to accomplish redemption, thereby speaking for God.

Christ, as the Word of God, becomes the Anointing Spirit, for the New Testament, organically transforming those redeemed by God into stones, to build God’s house, thereby speaking for God.

Christ, as the Word of God, becomes the ladder for God’s building, bringing heaven (God) to earth (man), and uniting earth (man) and heaven (God) as one, thereby speaking for God.

The Experience of Life

Christ, as the Word of God, becomes flesh as God’s tabernacle, thereby speaking for God; God’s only begotten Son became flesh also to reveal (explain) God to man in word, life, light, grace, and reality.

Christ, as the Word of God, becomes the Lamb of God to accomplish redemption, thereby speaking for God; In His becoming the Lamb to redeem a lost world, Christ spoke to us of how God, according to His righteousness, through His death as a procedure, completed His redemption in a legal aspect.

Practice and Application

We need to be vigilant, not allowing any of the things in our daily lives to replace the Anointing Spirit, Christ, within us; we need to repent because we are living in the principles of antichrist, allowing culture, religion, ethics and natural concepts to replace the inner anointing of Christ; this is against the anointing, it opposes the operation, work and permeation of the Trinity within us.


Day 1

T1 In the everlasting future, Christ is not only God but also man (John 1, 51)

(Please illustrate that how the God who had no human nature in the past eternity can have human nature as his dwelling place in the future eternity?)

T2 The five greatest things Christ has done in cosmic history (John 1, 51)

(Please illustrate that which five words can be used to remember these five great events in history.)

Day 2

T1 People can know the invisible things of God through observing the visible things God has created (John 1:3, Rom. 1:20)

(Please illustrate that how Christ, as the Word of God, speaks for God through creation.)

T2 “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psm. 14:1, Rom. 1:20)

(Please illustrate that the reason the great machine of the universe can run according to its laws and turn according to its time is because there is a God who governs it. )

Day 3

T1 By becoming flesh, He became concrete, real, visible, and tangible (John 1:14, 16)

(Please illustrate that how Christ, as the Word of God, speaks for God by becoming the tabernacle of God through becoming flesh.)

T2 Grace is what God gives us to enjoy in the Son, and in reality, it is what God gives us to realize in the Son (John 1:16-17)

(Please illustrate that when we experience and enjoy God, we not only have grace, but also reality. )

Day 4

T1 When Christ died on the cross, God saw him as the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29, Heb. 9:26)

(Please illustrate that how Christ, as the Word of God, speaks for God by becoming the Lamb of God and accomplishing redemption.)

T2 Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world to accomplish God’s redemption (2 Cor. 5:21, 1 Cor. 15:3)

(Please illustrate that Christ’s death on the cross dealt with both the nature of sin and the acts of sin.)

Day 5

T1 We need to be born again to begin to be transformed into stones to be the spiritual building of God, which is his house (John 1:32, 42)

(Please illustrate that how Christ, as the Word of God, speaks for God by becoming the Spirit to transform those who are redeemed by God into stones in life for the new covenant, to build God’s house.)

T2 The antichrist is both opposed to Christ and replaces Christ with certain things (Col. 1:9, 2:8-9)

(Using the example of the modernists, explain the denial and replacement of Christ. )

Day 6

T1 The dove (the Spirit) regenerates people, transforms people, and unites people (Gen. 28:12, John 1:51)

(Please illustrate that how Christ, as the Word of God, speaks for God by becoming the ladder for the building of God.) 

T2 God has predestined us to be transformed for the sake of his building (Gen. 28:12, John 1:51)

(Please illustrate that this building is the mutual dwelling place of God and man; it will be the harmony of divinity and humanity, humanity and divinity, forever. )